Monday, 23 May 2016

The Raven Cycle Series by Maggie Stiefvater

This year I reread the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. Overall I would just recommend these to everyone. The story line is interesting, the characters are amazing and the writing is beautiful. It takes a while to get into, but once you do, they're AMAZING. The Raven King (the last book in the series) was released in late April and I really want to read it but it isn't in bookshops in Australia! Like, the weekend after it was out, I went to Dymocks and it wasn't there and I was like, oh, it must be in sometime soon. And then I went home and went on the website and it said it wouldn't be instore till 1ST JULY 2016!!!!???? Like WTF? So now I'm annoyed. So I'm going to get it from Amazon instead. And then I'll get the hardcover as well! :D The thing I love most about this series is probably the characters because they're all really complex and believable and I love all of them (well most of them). The story's also really fascinating and complicated and IT'S JUST SO GOOD! You should read it. It's way better than the Shiver series, which was also written by this author. The Raven Boys is the first one, the The Dream Thieves, then Blue Lily, Lily Blue and finally the Raven King.

1 comment:

  1. Lol, turns out I'm not getting it from amazon :( I'll just find it some other way
